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HOT, the screenplay. Excerpt, obviously not in script format. Action/adventure. Previously optioned by indie.


Pretty, twenty-something Caitlyn is down and out and desperate.
She's about to make the biggest mistake of her life, but first she makes
the second biggest mistake--she forges a five thousand dollar check in
order to cover the debts her ex-boyfriend left her with.
She goes out to drink and forget and ends up spending the night
with a stranger. He leaves behind a small bag, which holds empty insulin
bottles, needles and a multi-million dollar diamond.
Thinking she has little to lose, Caitlyn decides to keep it--the biggest
mistake of all. The stranger is dead, and Caitlyn in on the run with her hot
diamond. The shady diamond owner and the ruthless thieves are all on her trail.
She must reach the one fence who can buy the diamond from her and
make her rich enough to start a new life. As theater make-up
expert, she uses a variety of disguises in order to stay one step ahead of
the people who would kill her to get the diamond back.
Ryder, the guy who's playing both sides, has to decide if he's going to be
her savior or worst nightmare.
The hot ice tempts both into thinking they can make a bundle
and get away with it all. Though not exactly trusting each other,
they outwit their pursuers and sell the diamond. To their dismay,
they find out it's a very good fake, but the fence pays them just enough to
make their escape.


CAITLYN, twentyish, pretty but thin and tired-looking, crouches at the edge of her oversized chair. Facing her is BRAD, also twentyish and surfer-boy handsome. She's in sweats and a ponytail. He's in chinos and a polo.

The tension is extra-thick.

He's sitting on the couch, eyes darting towards the door. His feet are moving restlessly as if eager to make a run for it.

Listen, Cait. I don't want to fight.

They've reached an impasse. Neither is going to satisfy the other, and they know it.

Caitlyn's apartment is cramped, tiny and a mess. It's filled with junk sale furniture and reproductions of fine art. It reeks of longings for a finer life.

Down the hall, a baby cries. The pipes in the apartment groan loudly as if in sympathy.

I thought you asked me here to talk.

Yeah, about the money. Like I said, I
need it back.

Brad's face turns petulant and irritated.

Yeah, but--"br>

But, nothing.

She waits, but Brad continues to pout.

You had to know that I wanted my money. That I needed it for bills. You know
that's why I called you.

Brad gets up and begins to play with a toy wind-up gorilla sitting on top of the TV.

You always said we'd stay friends, no
matter what.

And, we will.

He sounds more sullen than ever. The gorilla marches off the TV and plunges into the faded, thin carpet.


C/mon, give me a break. You weren't serious.

Caitlyn stares at him, eyes slitting in sudden understanding. He's left the gorilla on the floor and is back on the sofa.

Oh my God. You thought I invited you over
for one last goodbye screw, didn't you?

Outrage makes her voice shrill. Brad doesn't reply, but it's obvious that's what he was thinking.

Didn't you? That's why you came running
over here.

She shakes her head in disbelief. Scrubs her face with her fingers, pushing the anger back down.

Look, I'm in some deep shit. I know you
and I are through, okay? That's fine,
but I need you to be fair to me.

I've always treated you good.

So, I really, really need the money I loaned you before.

Brad says nothing, but eyes the door with intense longing.

Caitlyn leans forward and grips the arms of the chair.

Remember the Bronco? And the money for your house payments? And don't forget the payments I made for you on your credit card. At least give me some of
it back. I maxxed my own card out to help you.

She tries to get him to meet her eyes, but he refuses. Caitlyn tightens her jaw.

Look, Cait. You know all of that was a
gift. I mean I'd like to help you, but
I can't.

You can't.

It's Kim.

He smiles foolishly, giddily, inviting Caitlyn to share his good news.

Kim and me have been saving. We're
trying for a kid, and we're going to
need a bigger house. You understand,

Caitlyn is frozen. An ice sculpture. Then her gaze sweeps her own minute, cruddy, little hovel.

Brad is getting up, obviously relieved.

Good. I knew you would.

She still can't speak. Too stunned. Too shell-shocked.

Brad is ebullient, no longer nervous as he trots towards the door. He's escaping and practically home free.

I gotta run. Kim is waiting.

Caitlyn still doesn't answer. Just sits there as the door shuts behind him. She goes to the window, looks into the darkness and watches as tail lights disappear
down the street.

Then, she screams and smacks her own forehead.

Idiot, idiot, idiot!

She doesn't know if she's talking about Brad or herself.


Caitlyn sits at the kitchen table in tight jeans, a belly shirt and make-up. She thumbs through a stack
of overdue bills, each more hostile than the last.

She pulls out a letter from the landlord. It's been folded and refolded several times.

For a second, she closes her eyes as if wishing it
into oblivion. Then, she lays it out in front of

The landlord is threatening eviction. Caitlyn owes several months of back rent. She owes over five thousand dollars.

Caitlyn drops the letter. Lifts up the stack again, and sifts through it until she finds her pay stub.

It's from the Fashion Sense, and it's for .42 net for two weeks. She stares at it, tears filling her eyes.

Furiously, she rubs the tears away and goes to the lower kitchen drawer. Pulls out a checkbook. The name printed on the left-hand corner reads BRAD M. TURNER.

Caitlyn slaps it defiantly down onto the table.

I always told you to come pick up the
rest of your shit. Too bad now.
Finders, keepers.

She pulls out a carbon copy of a check signed by Brad. Tears out a brand new, unused check.

Carefully, she traces his name, and then writes the check out to herself for five thousand dollars.

EXCERPT FROM THE PAPERDOLL WARS, Fantasy novel for teens and preteens.
The first rule is: once you move into the Malls, the doors are locked behind you; the second rule is: if you leave, you're never allowed back inside. At thirteen, the Paperdoll kids leave the year-round schools and move into the Malls--where they rule
and live. There they stay until they decide to venture out into the Oldster world--permanently.
The Oldsters and the rest of society are only allowed inside to shop.
As far as Shard, the Mall Commando, knows, the Oldster world holds nothing but
conformity, repression and a subtle type of slavery. She's determined never to join the outside and will do anything to maintain her Mall. She's convinced that her Mall kids won't ever leave either. Her strong-willed personality tries to keep it all
But there's mutiny and unrest simmering below the casual, cheery surface, and Shard
will soon learn who her friends really are. She distrusts her Co-Commando, Puck, but
ignores all the signs that show Lolly-kay, her best friend, may really be her worst
For years, the drill has been undisturbed. Kids move out and new kids move in. The
population of the young is kept at a sustainable level--just enough to fill the schools
and Malls.
But something has happened. Something is changing, and the Mall kids find out that
the life outside the Mall walls may not be available to them, after all.
It's possible their world doesn't want them.

If interested in reading more, contact agent Michelle Churchman, Churchman Literary Agency,


The mall-dome shone and sparkled, the ceiling while screening out the outside
light, was now brilliantly illuminated. The shimmering walls seemed muted by the noise and bustle around them; they always appeared duller once the Oldsters entered the mall-dome, or maybe that was Shard's imagination.
Shard, who'd decided to watch over the Food Court, nodded at Mig, who was grinning and handing monster chocolate chip cookies to a plump mother with an even plumper toddler who was already clutching a large drink. The kid jammed the whole thing into his gummy little mouth, cookie bits spewing everywhere. The mother wiped his face and casually tossed a crumpled napkin onto the floor, ignoring the rambling trashers. The kid spilled his Creamie, and with that the mother grabbed his hand and strolled away. More work for Teddo, head of mall-dome maintenance, Shard thought disgusted.
Just then, a squat Oldster woman in a long skirt and blouse herded a group of kindergarten-aged children towards the Court. Hard little feet in hard little shoes tramped past Shard, bumping and pushing her aside. The woman seemed oblivious to Shard's discomfort. As yet another child knocked into Shard, she turned to glare at the woman.
"Could you tell them to slow down? One of the kids had just knocked into a table. We do have rules." She nodded to a shimmering three-dimensional sign hanging mid-air. It clearly read: NO RUNNING ALLOWED.
The woman's pale, heavy face turned crimson, her narrow eyes disappeared into
folds of flesh. "You have no right to tell me what to do."
"Excuse me." Shard put her hands on her hips. What was the woman's problem?
Typically relations between Oldsters and dome kids were cordial if not overly warm.
"I said you can't tell me what to do,"she repeated nastily. A smile settled on her face. "Just you wait..."With that, she turned her back on Shard.
Shard gaped at her. The Oldster was clearly crazy. Her face flamed but she
bit her tongue and made herself walk away. She should tell Tuck this one!
"We're hungry," the brood of brats chanted behind her. "Food, food, food!"
Shard wished she could throw the whole lot out. She glanced over her shoulder
and found the woman staring at her with the same tiny smile curving her lips. Shard
shrugged. She had things to do. She skated over to Burger and Nacho and checked the counter. Clean as a whistle. Whether her customers deserved it or not, she ran a tight ship.
With all of these little kids around, and I swear I've seen hundreds these last few months, you'd think at least one would have signed up for our waiting list, she mused. Of course, there were the other mall-domes, but still .... Not that we have any openings, Shard thought proudly. None of her kids had left in over three years.


GRAVE LOVE, suspense/thriller screenplay

A woman betrayed by her husband, who has had an affair with a close friend, fakes her own death. She pretends to haunt the guilt-stricken pair, and tries to drive her husband away from his lover. Instead she finds out that the two were planning to kill her. She must try to find a way to prove it before they realize that she's still alive. She turns to the mercenary who was hired to kill her for help. Contact

VENUS REVERSED, short scifi
18 pages. A few minor special fx. Two main characters. Five minor.


In a dystopian future where technology is banned, Kira's life is desperate and barren of love. Her boyfriend Fenn is cruel and ruthless. She finds a promise of tenderness and love in the most unlikely of sources.

OVEREXPOSED, romantic comedy screenplay

Nina is barely thirty but has given up on love; the last thing she's looking for is a gorgeous hunk to mess up her life. In fact, she's got an enormous hang-up when it comes to looks, thanks to her critical mother and to her own attractive yet not model-perfect appearance.. In short, Nina is pretty but more Kirstey Alley than Ally McBeal. A night of misadventures takes her to Chic Cheeks, a male strip club where she meets Mr. Wrong, who's hiding his identity behind a Lone Ranger mask.
In real life, he's Dylan McBrade, an entrepreneur who's struggling to raise capital for his sinking business. But he has more to hide than just
his risque night job, he has a past. Dylan grew up in southeast Texas, a place not known for its tolerance for the unconventional. The fact that
Dylan's dad died in a mysterious car accident, wearing a dress, a wig and full make-up, did not endear himself to the down-home, red-neck crowd. It
also didn't help that Dylan himself was movie star handsome.
Nina and Dylan meet again--this time without Dylan's mask. He
begs her to keep his secret, which unbeknownst to him is about
to be leaked from a much closer source. The sparks fly, but Nina worries
its her recent inheritance that is the real draw for Dylan. Thanks to her
mother's not so subtle hints and warnings.
Everything erupts when Dylan's sexy job is revealed to the press, his
cross-dressing and very alive dad rushes to his very public defense, Nina's
mistrust triggers Dylan's own suspicions, and it all looks hopeless for
true love to win.
Rushing from the absurd to the sublime, the two mismatched lovers
finally untangle the mess and reunite.

Faking It, High Concept Teen Comedy
Senna, JD, and Kate are three outsiders at Jacksonville High; their last-ditch attempt at an image make-over bombs. Senior year is DOA, unless they take drastic measures. They pretend to live in a town thirty miles away and reinvent themselves as three super-cool kids ready to blast through the new high school.

IT'S A BOY THING, Treatment for Screenplay, Comedy
>Genie Loring never considered herself to be a fag hag, but then she sees Carson King, the most gorgeous, sensitive man on the planet, who also happens to be a hundred percent gay.
Genie transforms herself into a guy in order to make Carson fall in love with her and to eventually convince him that gender really, really doesn't matter. She enlists her gay and straight guy friends to help her. Just when it appears that everything is going her way, the whole scheme back-fires. Genie finds that she's about to be outed in the worst way ever.

KISS NOIR, novel, dark vampire romance
Jen McNeily has just about given up on love until she meets the proverbial handsome stranger. Little does she know that the secrets he holds are far more dangerous than she could ever imagine. He's part vampire, but desperate to live a normal human life. Against all odds, their love ignites and eventually transcends their problems.

TO DIE FOR, treatment for horror screenplay
Three college girls with Hollywood ambitions head for a new beauty spa deep in the desolate desert. The spa, TRANSFORMATIONS, promises them perfect, thin bodies, bigger breasts, white teeth, better hair, the whole package. No surgery, just herbal treatments is the promise. What the girls don't realize is that the spa's true purpose is to deliver young new bodies to fabulously wealthy older women who will pay anything to reverse the aging process. Even if it means having their brains transplanted into new bodies. Even if it means murder.

FOREPLAY, screenplay, romantic comedy

When a good girl wants to go bad and bad boy wants to turn his life around, what else can they do but fall in love?

Uptight, hypochondriac Kit Deering will do anything to revive her ho-hum writing career; an expose of reformed bad boy golfer DJ Adams seems like the perfect opportunity. The last thing in the world she should do is fall in love with him, so of course, she does.

SCREAM TEAM book series proposal, middle reader, first title The Spooks are Loose

The Scream Team series proposal

Brief description: Ten-year old Calvin Dune (alias Calvin Dune the Goon) and Muffin, his ghostly cocker spaniel companion, are the only ones around to stop the invasion of the spooks. These monsters from another dimension are nothing but trouble, and the Scream Team have to find ways to outwit them.

VAMPIRES RULE/VAMPIRES ARE COOL, children's series proposal
Boris and Karloff are typical, fun-loving eight-year old boys, except for two things. One, they are wins. Two, they are also vampires. They are also best friends. They jump into whatever adventures come their way.

TITLES OF REALITY SHOWS/developed with treatments